Clarity about your values will save you these headaches
This is true for individuals and companies alike.
The old HR adage that says, "you only know a new employee after their first 90 days" means that within 90 days a person gets mentally tired of subtly changing behaviors to fit who they thing they need to 'be' in the office.
It is far easier to let go and be transparent about who you are at the beginning of a relationship than it is to keep up the façade.
AS A COMPANY, you want to be very clear about the #Culture that you are creating and find people who will fit that culture, or you are asking them to change who they are.
IN THE MARKETPLACE and in SALES, you'd better be transparent about what the company's #Values mean to the prospective client so that you don't end up with a relationship and #CustomerSuccess nightmare afterwards...
PS. Companies are faster to expose their real self than people. The reason is simple: because people can keep the truth hidden longer, while teams would need excessive coordination to keep it hidden.